Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh: A Selection from the Collection of the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

In August, 2018, Gene Sasse, Executive Director of the Inland Empire Museum of Art asked if I would consider curating a selection of paintings by Vincent van Gogh.  It turns out IEMA, as a non-profit art museum is able to establish a relationship with the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam allowing us to download and print high resolution images of van Gogh’s work for educational purposes.  In keeping with our educational mission, this would allow us to make an electronic version available to the public free of charge.  Additionally, we would serve as a gateway for our visitors to better access the Van Gogh Museums extensive exhibits and digital resources.  Hopefully a print version of this project can be made available through IEMA.

As a young man at loose in Amsterdam in the early 1960’s I had the opportunity to visit the Rijksmuseum which at the time was hosting an exhibit of van Gogh’s work.  I was enthralled then, and still am, at the artists vision set within the truncated span of his short lifetime.  He completed over 700 works in eight years before his death at 42, and his work is seminal.  Now, years later and as a trauma therapist, art educator, and painter I am enjoying revisiting Vincent’s work from these new perspectives.  

Selection and writing is currently underway with completion anticipated in 2019.